Toso Moscato Dolce Sparkling Dessert Wine
(Piedmont, Italy)
Regular price $14.00 Sale price $12.99 Save $1.01
About This Wine:
This one century old winery is now one of the most modern facilities in Italy, combining tradition with modern vinification techniques. The property measures 38, 000 square meters, of which 10,500 are dedicated to the vinification, the bottling and storing areas.
This one century old winery is now one of the most modern facilities in Italy, combining tradition with modern vinification techniques. The property measures 38, 000 square meters, of which 10,500 are dedicated to the vinification, the bottling and storing areas.
What Does It Taste Like?
This Moscato is reminiscent of honeysuckle and rose petal. The quality is equivalent to a top level Asti Spumante DOCG. Sweet sparkling wine obtained from a careful selection of the Moscato grapes. It has a pale straw yellow color with fine foam and bubbles. Excellent to match desserts, fruit and dried pastries.