Pedroni Lambrusco di Sorbara 2022 DOP (Emilia-Romagna, Italy)

Pedroni Lambrusco di Sorbara 2022 DOP
(Emilia-Romagna, Italy)

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The story of the Pedroni vinegar factory began way back in 1862 in Nonantola when Giuseppe Pedroni, who was a boaro in a farm 1 km from the current site, was commissioned by the owner of the company to deliver wood and bundles for the winter to the his stately home in Modena. The owner advised Giuseppe to pay the utmost attention not to scratch the plaster when entering the house but, unfortunately or fortunately, a piece broke off revealing 3 numbers underneath that Mr. Pedroni decided to play the lottery. With the money from his winnings he bought some farms and started running the tavern which soon became a foothold for the birocciai who transported gravel from the Panaro river towards San Giovanni in Persiceto and Ferrara. In the tavern it was possible to sell wine, marsala and beer, but not spirits. From the farms began the production of wine that has been handed down to the present day while the decision to start the production of Balsamic Vinegar was taken with the intention of recovering the Marsala barrels that arrived from Sicily and the beer barrels from Germany, which, once emptied, lent themselves very well to the preservation of vinegar. From generation to generation, the Pedroni family has continued to increase the production of wine and vinegar with the old over a century old barrels inherited from their grandfather. The cultivation of traditional vines, Trebbiano di Spagna and the Ruggine grape, has been handed down from father to son, which are discarded by other producers because they do not produce in quantity, but only in quality. This is what makes the difference, as demonstrated by the numerous prizes won in the only existing competition in the province of Modena. Since 1997, the farm and the production of balsamic vinegar have been run by Giuseppe III, a member of the sixth generation of the Pedronis, who brought the family traditions to the fore on international television.

About The Wine:

The Sorbara grape variety is the highest quality clone of the Lambrusco grape.
The Lambrusco di Sorbara grape produces the lightest-colored and lowest-tannin wines compared to Grasparossa, Salamino, Marani, Maestri, and similar varieties from the Lambrusco family.                                                                                                            Here are two different Lambrusco di Sorbara wine styles:                                                     
Rosato: It is a refreshing rose wine with delicate floral and fruity fragrances, soft minerality, and bright acidity.
Rosso: It is typically a dry and well-balanced red wine with fruity characteristics and crisp acidity.